我又回來囉!原來三月不是瘋狂的季節。 一忙 ,就到了六月 。
學校放假了 !懵懵懂懂研一的生涯就結束了,感覺上翻譯的學問了解都不到一半。交了快十篇的中翻英, 五篇的英翻中還有一大篇的科技報告後, 老師就說可以到大聯盟去被檢驗了, 可是沒人找我去登板啊。 雖然說以後靠翻譯維生會餓死, 可是還是想要完成出一本書的夢想。
標題: 想像出閘
We gather for a celebration a bit different from our June traditions. Commencement is an annual rite of passage for thousands of graduates; today marks a rite of passage for the University.
Or, we might more charitably dub them expressions of hope unchastened by the rod of experience.
But lists seem too constraining when I think of what today should mean; they seem a way of limiting rather than unleashing our most ambitious imaginings, our profoundest commitments.
A host of popular writings from the 1980s on have charged universities with teaching too little, costing too much, coddling professors and neglecting students, embracing an “illiberalism” that has silenced open debate.
Thomas Jefferson called for a national aristocracy of talent, chosen, as he put it, “without regard to wealth, birth, or other accidental condition of circumstance” and “rendered by liberal education…able to guard the sacred deposit of rights and liberties of their fellow-citizens.”
By their nature, universities nurture a culture of restlessness and even unruliness.
But change is often uncomfortable, for it always encompasses loss as well as gain, disorientation as well as discovery. It has, as Machiavelli once wrote, no constituency
We must recognize our accountability to the wider world, for, as John Winthrop warned in 1630, “we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.”
我等須具宏觀責重, 蓋1630年昔日,約翰. 溫斯洛曾言:『新英格蘭乃世上之光.城造山上,無所避藏,舉世皆望。』
Truth is an aspiration, not a possession.
真理非可得, 僅因時而存。
It is not easy to convince a nation or a world to respect, much less support, institutions committed to challenging society’s fundamental assumptions.
Life and Death
15 年前