【原文】Our inability to tackle the issue maybe related, primarily, to a mismatch between the human senses and the physical phenomena we want to understand. Intelligent machines can have custom senses and larger-than human memory, enabling them to solve problem we can’t. (p230)
【譯評】『左支右絀』是形容『顧此失彼, 窮於應付』,用在此處並不合適。
【譯文】在高科技圈裡有一句話 :『改變所花的時間比你在短期中所預期得還要長,但是它的發生比你在長期中所預期的還要快。』(p289)
【原文】There is a saying in the high-tech world that change takes longer than you expect in the short term but occurs faster than you expect in the long term. (p232)
【譯評】原來的翻譯唸起來頗為不順,改為這樣正可以對照 Long Term & Short Term。
【譯文】我的信心來自於我已經在智慧的問題上醞釀、親炙了很久。 (p290)
【原文】My confidence stems mostly from the long time I have already spent working on the problem of intelligence. (p233)
【譯評】原文看不到 『醞釀』,親炙更是一個頗為奇怪的中文動詞。
Life and Death
15 年前