三月真是一個瘋狂的月份。 天氣變化多端,原本已經收好的冬衣,因為不穩定的天氣, 不斷在收納箱進進出出。 Project 如火如荼的進行中 ,又開始了每天上班下班睡覺的生活 ,唯一的休閒竟是每日與我共眠的PMPBok。不知不覺生日的腳步進了,我竟然還腦中一片空白, 不知要如何好好去慶祝。下學期的翻譯作業排山倒海而來, 原本以為自己在科技業中翻滾了許多年 ,修起科技翻譯應是得心應手。 豈料光是專業技術的搜尋與研讀就花了我不少時間,感謝Ren 的友情贊助, 讓我得以如期在上課前完成我的作業。
COG module is a precise technology bonding bare chip IC and ITO glass together.The most amazing point is, by using COG technology, it is no need to use PCB (printed circuit board). Instead, we can put the circuit directly on the LCD panel. As the weight of COG module is only at one-third (1/3) compare to conventional type of design, COG technology can easily fulfill the requirement on small and less weight product such as handheld communication device.
晶片與玻璃基板接合製程是一種將裸晶片與氧化銦錫導電玻璃直接打線結合在一起的精密技術。令人驚歎的是, 有了COG技術, 電路印刷版將無需存在。 直接取代的是, 線路將被放在多晶矽液晶面板上。 如此一來, 藉由COG製程所產出的成品將僅是傳統設計型式的1/3。 COG 技術可以滿足像是手持通訊裝置這種輕小產品的需求。
ACF (Anisotropic Conductive Film) is a thermoset epoxy system that includes conductive particles uniformly distributed in a non-conductive adhesive film. ACF is well suited for flip chip assembly in very fine pitch chip-on-board (COB), chip-on-flex (COF), or chip-on-glass (COG) applications. It is used commercially for millions of units of COG modules. In ACF assembly, heat and pressure are applied to trap the conductive particles between the substrate pads and the IC bumps, forming permanent electrical connections as the epoxy film cures.
異方性導電膠膜 ( ACF )是一種 將導電粒子不規則散置在不導電黏膜上而合成的熱塑性環氧樹脂 ( epoxy )連接材料。 ACF 非常適合使用在需要細線路化的晶片覆晶封裝技術上,像是晶片直接封裝或是薄膜覆晶封裝以及晶片與玻璃基版接合製程的應用上。ACF的製程主要是利用溫度與壓力將導電粒子與IC與基版黏合,待環氧樹脂固化後即可形成永久導電狀態。
Life and Death
15 年前